Well, on to another year! It’s not just the first blog post of the new year but also my 60th blog post…awesome!

I’d like to take a short detour from my usual posts and reflect on the past year and even the years prior. Hopefully my journey will inspire you to take a look at your own achievements and goals for the future and bring yourself through the year with a grateful heart.

I am personally so grateful for this past year. I have had some highs and some lows, but I choose to think about and reflect on the high points. Put a positive spin on the year. If I were to ramble off the achievements of the last year, they would be a small number…my WSET certification, continuing to post on my blog every (or almost every) week, and taking the time to spend/communicate with people in my life that I care about. But is that really all there is to it? No, I don’t think so. As you know, I love to travel. That has been very limited for me in the past two years. That makes me long to see the world and all it has to share with me. Traveling fills me with excitement and wonder. I hope this coming year will help me to discover new places and have some thrilling experiences! I love wine. Luckily, that’s much easier to enjoy. Whether it’s a glass of wine with my girlfriends on a girl’s night, a trip to a vineyard to taste wine, a wine conference to meet new people and exchange thoughts on wine or opening a special bottle and sharing it in front of a fire. It’s all good. I love theatre. Not too much of that over the past two years either but I’m hoping to bring that back into my life in the coming year. Either participating or going to see a show…I need my fix! I miss it terribly.

I’ve also discovered that here’s much more to life and living than I ever thought possible. I’ve met some very special people over the past year who have truly touched me in a profound way. One such significant/special person has taken me by the hand and shown me that life is more than just “loving” things. It’s about loving each other (friends, family, partner, husband, wife). It’s about loving people we may not know on a personal level…people who are struggling or need assistance. I don’t know about you, but I believe that fulfillment can come from something outside ourselves. How do you feel when you donate to a cause or help someone out? The important thing is to love and care about people who share this planet with us. Everyone has busy lives but maybe it’s worth it to “pay it forward”. Try to be a kind person every day. Your soul will feel overwhelmed with joy.

I have had a glorious year, despite the pandemic, and I look forward to continuing that wonderful trend. I am healthy, happy, and looking forward to a fulfilling year in 2022. How will you start your year? It is a choice…choose to lift up your spirit. Your soul will thank you for sure!

I’m a musical theatre lover so I’d like to share a quote from a song from the show “Wicked”. It is very personal and poignant for me…I hope you will take it in, think about it, and find your happiness in 2022.

Because I knew you, I have been changed for Good.”

Cheers! Enjoy a nice glass of wine and as we head into the new year together, enjoy every moment…big and small!

Thank you all for your support over the past few years!