“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”.

-Albert Einstein

One of the best ways to make you feel better both mentally and physically is to jump on a bicycle and go for a ride. Whether you do 4 miles or 24 miles, it’s all good! Physical activity helps your mood, your body, and affords you the time to reflect, create, and/or ponder. For that reason, I like to ride my bike in the morning. The trails aren’t as crowded, and it brings you into the middle of nature. I take a deep breath and head out. Of course, the trails I’m talking about are paved pathways through gardens, forests, hills, or ocean. But you could also ride through city streets or through city parks. Whatever your environment is, you can get a great body workout and your head space will benefit too. Relax and let your body take you on an adventure!

The only requirements are a good bicycle, a sturdy helmet, and a water bottle. Of course, you can add whatever other fancy accessories you’d like but these are the bare minimum. I’d like to stress that a helmet is the most important part of your ensemble. With the frequency of accidents, not only in the city but in the suburbs, it is so important to protect yourself. The possibility on head injuries is nothing to ignore. Please wear a helmet!

Here are some other tips for biking:

  • Get a bike that fits your body. It will save you lots of sore muscles and pain if you have the right bike. Get fitted at your local bike shop. They have experts that can help you.
  • Get a good and comfortable saddle. Check with your local bike shop for their opinion on right fit for you.
  • Change positions while you’re riding. Specifically, your hands and butt. This will make the trip more enjoyable and save on fatigue. Also, biking gloves are a good thing to invest in. They have padding that can protect your palms from soreness.
  • Don’t ride with headphones on. You need to be acutely aware of your surroundings and other bike riders.
  • Rules of the road. Obey all rules related to bike road riding. Make sure when you’re on a trail and you are passing another bike rider or walker that you alert them to the fact that you are passing (on their left).
  • Keep looking up so that you can anticipate any obstacles in your way.
  • Hydrate! Bring along your water bottle so that you won’t become dehydrated on your ride.
  • Be courteous to your fellow riders.
  • Most of all…enjoy the ride.

These are the basics but you can get more info on biking by asking Google. 

Summer and fall are the best times to ride. Although summer can be hot, it’s good to get out into the fresh air and make your body work. To me, fall is the best time to ride. I’m in the Northeast so the colors of fall are always something to behold.

Don’t forget you can add a basket to your bike, throw in a blanket, some cheese, bread or crackers, meat and a nice bottle of wine for a picnic! Perfect!

You can take a ride in your own neighborhood, on a rail trail, or wherever your heart takes you. It’s an activity that will pump up and strengthen your body and will also rest and rejuvenate your mind and attitude. You definitely can’t go wrong with a nice long bike ride. Do it for you!

Enjoy the outdoors!