What’s your Wine Mood?

What’s your Wine Mood?

Today is a drizzly, chilly (at least for May) day in New England. I’m sitting at a lovely café sipping a latte (too early for wine) and contemplating my next blog post. My computer keys don’t seem to be cooperating but then it hit me. Wine isn’t always about tasting,...

Enter: the Tasting Room

Enter: the Tasting Room

Over the past several years I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing many tasting rooms across the country. My first adventure to a tasting room was a bit intimidating but at the end of the day, it was exciting and educational. Did I feel like a novice? You bet! But it...

Sipping with Invivo X, SJP

Sipping with Invivo X, SJP

I’m an absolute fan of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. I love all the citrusy, tart, herbally, grassy aspects of the nectar from down under. New Zealand is known for its very specific acidity that brings forward its light, crisp body and flavors. Recently, I got my...

Decanting Wine for Pleasure

Decanting Wine for Pleasure

I have always thought that decanting wine was a very Continental kind of thing to do. When I was younger, I didn’t understand that there is a real purpose to decanting wine. I thought that people just transferred wine from the bottle to a much nicer vessel for “show”....

The Grapes Behind the Labels

The Grapes Behind the Labels

Sometimes wine labeling can be confusing. I know, you’re saying…no, really? (sarcasm) So, I thought I’d do a short blog post to help clarify some of the grapes behind the Old World wines. New World wines typically will give you the name of the grape. It doesn’t always...



Have you ever been to a BYOW/B restaurant? Well, you definitely should venture out and try it! I had the pleasure of going to one of these types of restaurants recently. If you are unfamiliar…it is a restaurant that allows you to bring your own bottle(s) of wine or...

The Wine Ritual

The Wine Ritual

If you are like me, you truly enjoy the experience of tasting the first pour from a newly uncorked bottle of wine at a restaurant. I didn’t always feel that way though. I remember I was on a date with a student chef. This was many years ago before my foray into the...