I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long week for me. What’s one of the best ways to combat that feeling you have at the end of a hard week at work or after accomplishing something like a major project such as a renovation? Well, for me it’s a nice glass of wine! Specifically, a nice glass of RED wine. Why does wine help you un-wined? Believe it or not, there is some science behind it. Wine has many relaxing, de-stressing properties to it. It has attributes that can help with all the physical and emotional stressors of life. And as far as I’m concerned, I’ll let that lovely glass of red take me away. (Disclaimer: this works best when you drink it in moderation)

So, let’s dig into yet another positive of this magical liquid. Chemically, most red wines have something called resveratrol in their DNA. Resveratrol is found in the skins of grapes and since red wine is made with the grape skins and pulp, it’s in there! Resveratrol helps to block enzymes that are associated with stress and anxiety and therefore assist in helping the body relax. Pour, smell, swirl, and sip slowly…when does the relaxation start? It’s with the process of tasting. Take your time and savor that first sip. As you take that first sip, close your eyes, and relax. The physical attributes of having this nice glass of red at the end of a busy, stressful day will help your body and your mind. The emotional part of the equation is just as important as the physical changes that happen inside your body. Just going through the process of tasting the wine slows you down and helps you focus on the actual attributes of your lovely glass of wine…aroma and taste. Find a relaxing environment…a chair on the deck, a couch in your living room, a stool at your kitchen island…whatever works. Open your favorite bottle of red wine and let it breathe, sit quietly, close your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and exhale, then pour. Notice its beautiful color flowing into your glass.

Take your first sip. Let the flavors in the wine and the relaxating feeling wash over you. Have a few more sips and I guarantee you’ll feel the effects of the wine take hold and you’ll be starting to let go of your stressors and enjoy every drop of your wine for all that it is!

Here are some suggestions for wines to try. Personally, I like a nice Italian red like Valpolicella, Sangiovese, or Barbera. Or you can try any of these varietals from around the world: Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Franc, Malbec. But truly any of the red wine varietals will help you achieve that relaxed, chill feeling that you treasure at the end of your week. Try some from California, Oregon, New Zealand, France, Spain…your choice!

Take a deep breath, exhale, and enjoy a de-stressing glass of red wine!

Cheers!           Â